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General Mills Oatmeal Crisp Hearty Raisin Cereal

General Mills Oatmeal Crisp™ Hearty Raisin Cereal. Made with whole grain oats. With Hearty raisins. Flakes, clusters and raisin cereal. Great tasting, Heart healthy*. Fills you up & Helps keep you full! Per 1 cup serving: 230 Calories. 0.5g Sat fat, 2% DV. 120mg Sodium, 5% DV. 16g Sugars. Net Wt 1 lb 2 oz (18 oz) (510 g). We believe in the goodness of whole grain cereal. Cereal is packed with nutrients and contains complete grains, which can help fuel your morning. That's why whole grain is the first ingredients in all Big G cereals and why Oatmeal Crisp™ Hearty Raisin. Has 5g of fiber. Is an excellent source of iron. Is great tasting and heart healthy*. 40g Whole grain per serving. At least 48g recommended daily. *Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, help reduce the risk of heart disease. Goodness first. A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. All General Mills Big G cereals contain more whole grain that any other single ingredient. The taste you love. The sustained energy you need. Sweet and heart raisins. Delicious crunchy clusters. Crispy flakes, made with whole wheat & oat. It's a brand new day and in order to make the most of it, you need to start out with a good, wholesome breakfast. Good thing you've got Oatmeal Crisp - 8 complex blend of ingredients like crispy flakes made with whole wheat and oats, crunchy clusters, and hearty raisins. It's a combination that is simply irresistible. What makes it even more satisfying is knowing that all of these ingredients will help you stay full longer. One bowl and you're ready to take on the morning! Try all General Mills Fruit and Nut Cereals: General Mills Oatmeal Crisp™ Crunchy Almonds. General Mills Oatmeal Crisp™ Sweet Tangy Fruit & Almonds. General Mills Raisin Nut Bran Almonds and Covered Raisins. Exchange: 3 1/2 Starch. Based on Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Diabetes Association criteria. Patent: 100% Recycled paperboard.™ We serve the world by making food people love. We welcome your Questions and Comments. 1.800.328.1144. © General Mills.