Curbside pickup is only available at our Spottswood Avenue and Goodman Road locations.

Wisk Deep Clean Plus OXI Complete Detergent

Wisk® Deep Clean™ Plus OXI Complete™ Detergent. Attacks trapped body oils and sweat! H-E. Safe for all washing machines. Body oils and sweat, the #1 soil in your laundry can stay trapped in your clothes, even after washing. Wisk® Deep Clean® penetrates deep inside the fabric, cleaning beyond visible stains, to seek out and attack trapped body oils and sweat. Works effectively, even in cold water. A deeper clean. Safely whitens whites and brightens colors. Bottles contain 25% post-consumer recycled plastic. Sun®. For questions and comments contact us at or at 1-800-ASK-WISK (1-800-275-9475). For a complete product ingredient listing, visit ©2013.